Our organization is in honor of our extraordinary son, brother and friend, Everett Peter Mason Beauregard. Everett is remembered for the amazing person he was and for the potential he had to give back to the city that he loved.
Everett’s loss has been devastating to everyone who knew him. He is missed for the unexpected nature of his personality. Ev could engage in informed debates on any topic with friends, family or others interested in his ideas and viewpoints. His friends all saw him as a wonderful balance of humor and intelligence. He was a great storyteller. This combination always assured them of having a good time. In our family, Ev was enthusiastic about family activities and travel. He had an expansive world view and appreciated the family origin stories that contributed to his identity.
On September 22, 2022, Everett lost his life in a senseless shooting at 35th & Spring Garden Streets in Philadelphia, PA. He was walking home after a night out with friends and was about 200 feet from making it safely to his apartment when an individual he passed on the sidewalk, turned around and shot him in the back. There was no motive, altercation or interaction between him and his killer. The killer is still at large.
We miss Everett more and more each day. The future will not be the same without him. Our foundation will be his legacy – carrying on ideals for which he was passionate. He would be proud of it focusing on providing youth with a hopeful path of opportunity, belonging and purpose.
As a foundation, we are guided by the values that Everett was known for: curiosity, inclusion, and fairness.